Monday, July 30, 2012

Jack Sparrow

Michael Bolton is HOTT. Me likes heeeeeeeeeem. :)

Jack Sparrow (feat. Michael Bolton)

The Sleepy Time Sandwich

Here is a recipe I came up with one night when I could not go to sleep and my tummy was hungry:

Fresh Thanksgiving turkey (or package turkey, ham, whatever lunch meat you like, as long as it's not really greasy) with two fresh tomato slices, lettuce, a fine coating of yellow mustard on top (just a's *sleepy* time) all on lightly toasted bread. The secret: a healthy amount of butter, soaked into each piece of toast. And that, is a Sleepy Time Sandwich.


      So, I now have a Twitter account. Exciting, right? WRONG. You have to be cool for Twitter to work! No one wants to follow a freak like me! I don't blame them but, it's still sad. I feel like a creeper. All the people I'm following are my favorite celebs. Like *they're* ever going to re-Tweet something I say. I can't even get people to follow me.
       If anyone is reading this...will you follow me on Twitter? I promise I'm cooler than I look. That's a lie. I'm looking for friends, though. I want to connect with strangers and share the weirdness that is me! I also want to see if anyone actually looks at blogs anymore. lol. I hope you'll follow me and if you don't...I'll hunt you down and gut you like a fish! Kidding. :) 


Nugget of Epicness :)


EPIC RAP BATTLE: Einstein vs Hawking

Pilchard the Cat

Another random post.

       My brother and I are watching Bob the Builder (don't ask) when all of a sudden a blue kitten appears to be sleeping in, what seems to be, a dog house. I had no idea Bob had a cat! Apparently neither does he.
Pilchard Fish
       The feline's name is Pilchard. She gets her name because she has a coat of fur that looks suspiciously like a pilchard fish. Pilchard usually
sleeps in her little "cat house" and waits for Bob and the team to return from their day's work.
        What really grinds my gears is that Bob has such a cute,
wonderful, and dedicated cat but, yet, he leaves her at home
all the time. Makes me sad.    

Pilchard the Cat

Imogen Heap's "Earth"

Imogen Heap: Earth 

It makes me happy. :)

The Truth Is Out There